The title

We've all heard the saying "don't judge a book by a cover", but not many people abide by this wisdom. When I go to a book store I hardly have the time to read every description of every book, so to narrow my choices I do judge a book by its cover so to say. I'm not the only person who does this. Being an author you have to give your story a relevant, yet witty, and eye catching title that will appeal to your audience. You spent a lot of time writing it, so it at least deserves a good name don't you agree?

Now how to get this stellar title, first it has to be somehow relevant to your story, which doesn't need much explaining. The title how ever needs to tie into the story creatively so when the reader finishes reading the story the title has a new meaning to it. Books like Flowers for Algernon and Fahrenheit 451 are prime examples of titles that are creative, very relevant to the story, and have a hidden meaning. Lastly when it comes to relevancy, and comical story should have a funny title while a serious book needs a serious title i.e. a book about a person diagnosed with cancer should not be titled Pushing up Daisies. Though some people would find the contrast hilarious, a lot of people would find it crude.
Next you need it to be eye catching to your audience. To be eye catching it needs to be different and original. Using colorful vocabulary in a title will help achieve that. Also consider your audience that you're appealing to. Age is the most important; if you’re writing a children's story don't use huge words. If it's some sort of reference book, then you should concentrate more on the title spelling out what it contains, because the people reading a reference book aren't looking for entertainment usually, but a quick way to learn information.
Title is the last thing you should do after you finish writing, because you need to know your story before you can name it. Even though it's the last thing to do, you should put just as much thought into it as you did the story.

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